The young company, grown in I3P, won the first edition of the Award in memory of the long-time McKinsey Managing Director and Ambienta co-founder.
The award ceremony of #T-TeC 2022, the Open Innovation competition promoted by Leonardo and Telespazio, took place during the 15th European Space Conference.
Three start-ups incubated at I3P won top prizes at the 2022 edition of Premio 2031, Italy's most important competition for innovative companies.
The awards were presented during the 'Festa delle Startup I3P', during which the 25 new young companies entering incubation in 2022 were also presented.
The innovative company, founded in I3P, will enrich the Data Science & Analytics competencies of Var Group, a subsidiary of Sesa.
From being one of Politecnico di Torino's spin-offs and start-up incubated at I3P to world excellence in cybersecurity, Ermes continues to achieve new goals.
Start-up Kurs Orbital wins the first prize in the competition for tomorrow's entrepreneurs; runner-up Mespac, third AgreeNet.
The 15 finalists presented their business proposals in front of international investors: several I3P network start-ups were awarded.
Honourable mention to AIKO, deep tech start-up born inside I3P, which developes AI solutions and software to automatize space missions.
The innovative start-up Reefilla, incubated in I3P, will have the chance to test its “charge delivery” system with Turin’s House of Emerging Technologies.
The 16th edition of the IMSA Award is sponsored by PNICube and I3P. The winning start-up will be awarded on September 30th, 2022 during the Italian Tech Week.
Motor Valley Accelerator, A11 Ventures, Marvik Investimenti, flyElectric and a team of Italian and European business angels took part in the investment deal.