
Yamgu and Medics raise €970,000 in crowdfunding


Ghostwriter closed its campaign on Mamacrowd with a 142% overfunding, while raising over €550,000 in just 10 days.

Two equity fundraising campaigns involving I3P's start-ups closed in January: Yamgu, which raised €140,000 with its Ghostwriter, a marketing software that uses AI to create successful communication campaigns, and Medics, a start-up that designed and produced a high-fidelity 3D diagnostic service for pre-operative planning, which raised €832,000. 

Yamgu's Artificial Intelligence

Ghostwriter ha chiuso la campagna di raccolta fondi su Mamacrowd con un overfunding del 142% per 142.482 euro e 36 adesioni. La nuova piattaforma, messa a punto dopo 4 anni di studi dal team di You Are My Guide (YAMGU) - l’app turistica di social travelling), individua target e parole chiavepersonalizza testi e contenuti e predice i risultati in tempo reale, ed è pronta a diventare lo strumento del futuro in marketing strategy.

"Ghostwriter, grazie all'Intelligenza Artificiale, è in grado di analizzare ed identificare l’audience in maniera molto precisa e più dettagliata rispetto agli standard" – spiega la CEO Ester Liquori - "fornendo informazioni non solo demografiche (relative, quindi, a sesso, età, genere, provenienza), ma anche psicologiche. In base a queste, il software intelligente elabora e predice quale sarà l’impatto emotivo dei nostri contenuti sul target (lookalike audience)."

Dunque, , spiega Liquori, "GhostWriter lavora su due piani: uno di artificial intelligence applicata alla sfera marketing ed uno alla sfera contenuti, andando così a potenziare due figure central, quella del community manager e quella del copywriter, grazie ad un motore semantico (per adesso in italiano ed inglese), a sistemi cloud e ad algoritmi di machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, analisi di clustering ed elaborazione di dati”.

Ghostwriter closed its fundraising campaign on Mamacrowd with a 142% overfunding for €142,482 and 36 sign-ups. The new platform, developed after four years of studies by the team of You Are My Guide (YAMGU) - the social travelling tourism app), identifies targets and keywords, customises texts and content and predicts results in real time, and is set to become the tool of the future in marketing strategy.

"Ghostwriter, thanks to AI, is able to analyse and identify the audience in a very precise and more detailed way than standard," explains CEO Ester Liquori, "providing not only demographic information ( concerning sex, age, and location), but also psychological information. Based on all this, the intelligent software processes and predicts the emotional impact of our content on the target audience (lookalike audience)."

Liquori explains: "GhostWriter works on two levels: artificial intelligence applied to the field of marketing and content, enhancing two central roles, those of the community manager and the copywriter, thanks to a semantic engine ( in Italian and English so far), cloud systems and algorithms of machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, clustering analysis and data processing."

Medics' 3D diagnostics

The crowdfunding campaign on Mamacrowd by Medics, a start-up that has designed and produced a high-fidelity 3D diagnostic service for pre-operative planning, raised over €550,000 in just 10 days and concluded its campaign with a final figure of €832,691 and over 120 subscriptions.

Thanks to the most advanced image processing and 3D printing technologies (HA3DTM - Hyper Accuracy 3DTM), Medics produces anatomical reconstructions with very high precision, allowing for more accurate, safe and conservative surgeries, as for the first time interactive models of the organs they will have to operate on are made available to surgeons. 

Medics is registered with Ministero della Salute (Ministry of Health) as a manufacturer of customised medical devices and with an exclusive, patent-protected operating process. It has already completed more than 400 cases between orthopaedics, urology and new fields of application, reaching over 20 hospitals in Italy.

The advantages for both doctor and patient are significant: a better understanding of the clinical situation, a tailor-made surgical treatment, safer and less invasive. For the doctors, they benefit from a better visual-spatial perception, with simulation of the surgical procedure and prediction of the outcome. In addition, the hospital would bear lower direct costs, reduced risks of complications or infections and fewer medico-legal issues.
