
IR20 Award - Piemonte Innovation and Research 2020


The Regione Piemonte has chosen to reward innovation and research projects carried out by companies, start-ups, public and private research bodies and laboratories in the area.

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Il premio IR20 non prevede erogazioni in denaro, ma ha come obiettivo di diffondere nel modo più ampio possibile The IR20 award does not provide for a prize in cash, but aims to promote the best existing projects in the area as widely as possible, so that they can also be a source of inspiration for the market.

The winners will be awarded a symbolic prize resulting from a special creative contest and above all the and and above all the widespread promotion for projects, as part of a dedicated promotional campaign.

The public awards ceremony will be held in November 2020 in Turin.

Who can join

The call for participation is open to all enterprises, of any type and scale, having their registered office or place of business in Piemonte. These enterprises, individually or in association, must have carried out an innovation and research project.

Thematic areas

The projects submitted will have to cover two main strands of innovation and research:

  • green economy: measures to promote sustainable development and circular economy (use of renewable energy, innovative materials, reduction of consumption, reuse of waste, etc.);
  • health economy: the ability to develop innovative solutions in the health field for the benefit of people and the community.

How to join

Applications can be submitted by 2 October 2020 at 12 A.M.

To register, you must fill in the document in the "Procedure text attachment" section and send it by email, indicating in the subject "IR20 APPLICATION", to the email address ir20@regione.piemonte.it.

To learn more:

Premio "IR20" Piemonte Innovazione e Ricerca 2020

Torino Wirless
