
Torino City Love - Solidarity and innovation campaign


Torino City Love, the solidarity and innovation initiative aimed at citizens and businesses, has been launched.

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The call to action "Torino City Love" is addressed to citizens and enterprises, whether they are partners of Torino City Lab or not. It aims to create a set of opportunities that can be used online or locally. And it is in continuity with the national "Digital Solidarity" initiative. 

The initiative aims to involve everyone. Those who can are called upon to offer free resources, actions and skills, providing support to citizens and businesses in the area during the Covid-19 emergency. 

The aim is to stimulate two types of actions, one TOP > DOWN and the other BOTTOM > UP. In the first case, the actions are aimed at Public Administration needs. They are developed by the Innovation Department of the City of Turin with technological and innovation partners. In the second case, the call is open to gather resources, skills and initiatives. All useful actions to support the state of emergency, both at local and national level. To participate with a proposal to contribute to the City Love campaign, this is the link to the form.

There are four main areas of interest in the call: 

  • Work and school - collaboration solutions, for connectivity, tools and devices to enable remote work and study;
  • Health - solutions for remote monitoring and communication in healthcare;
  • Information and digital services - solutions to facilitate access to goods and services on a local scale;
  • Training - resources for the training of public administration, enterprises and professionals in collaboration with Torino Skills City partners.

Proposals outside these areas are also taken into consideration, provided they are additional solutions/services with the same objective of providing services and utilities for better liveability (e.g. leisure, culture, mobility, etc.). 

Among the testimonials of Torino City Love are Tim, Cisco and Microsoft, which have already started to provide services to address the current situation. All the initiatives and opportunities offered will be included in the online showcase, broken down by target audience (citizens, schools, businesses and other entities, skills4all). 

For more information on the conditions and procedures for participation and selection, please visit the initiative's official website: Torino City Love.
